"Mergers and Acquisitions in Russia and CIS Conference": recording is available!

1 декабря 2021

Session 1. Trends and developments in M&A


•        Key trends in the M&A markets in Russia and the CIS.
•        Growth prospects of technological companies: organic growth or M&A?
•        Competition among ecosystems and its impact on asset prices in the market.
•        Investment attractiveness of Russian businesses in the global markets.

Session 2. M&A Hot Topics For Fast Growth Companies: Reforms needed to keep Russian law competitive


•        Different Share Classes to Facilitate Investment in Fast Growth Companies
•        Special Rights for Company Founders.
•        Antitakeover Protections for Young Businesses.
•        Improving Regulation of Shareholders Agreements.
•        Legal Issues Critical for E-commerce and Ecosystems.

Session 3. Disputes in M&A deals – helicopter view


•        Liability for pre-contractual conduct – is it relevant for M&A transactions?
•        Liability for failure to complete – specific performance issues, quantum of damages for breach, mitigating factors.
•        Breach of warranties, representations and indemnities – triggers for liability, quantum of damages, effect of purchaser’s knowledge.
•        Perceived pros and contras of various dispute resolution forums – practitioners’ view.

Session 4. Private Equity and VC: current trends and specifics in CIS


•        Recent trends and challenges in Private Equity deals due to COVID-19: geography of investments, targets (FinTech, Health, EdTech, Retail, etc.), creating eco-systems and IPO expectations, exit opportunities.
•        From due diligence to signing and completion: negotiation process and new reality.
•        Participation in the management of targets. Modern role of Private Equity funds.
•        Security mechanisms in Private Equity deals: anti-dilution, liquidation preferences, etc.
•        Practical tips on exit from the targets: ways, limitations on liability, guarantees, choice of arbitration venue, etc.

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