Swiss international Law School proposes two addition scholarships for Russian candidates


Our partner Swiss International Law School (SiLS) opens the application phase for a start in August 2016 with its web-based LL.M. in International Commercial Law and Dispute Resolution. Together with RAA25 SiLS provides two half scholarships for its LL.M. program for candidates from Russia!

The school is unique for several reasons:
The SiLS LL.M. is delivered in four modules (Sales and Transport Law, Intellectual Property Law, Dispute Resolution, Corporate Law), each of which is led by an eminent global scholar in the respective field (Dr. Ingeborg Schwenzer, Dr. William Van Caenegem, Louise Barrington and Dr. Katharina Pistor).

Extra-modular tutorials covering important aspects of legal work are offered for individual study and practice: Legal research and writing, presentation techniques, professional ethics for the global lawyer, features of common law and civil law systems and management of legal and compliance risk.

Taught in small classes led by two course leaders the SiLS LL.M. offers the perfect foundation for an international legal career.

The application deadline for candidates interested in a scholarship with a program start in August 2016 is 30 April 2016. Otherwise the application deadline for a program start in August 2016 is 30 June 2016.

For more information, please have a look at the program flyer, visit the official SiLS website or contact

We also would be happy to answer any questions with regard to the SiLS LL.M. program.



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