Russia as a place for arbitration

29 июня 2012


In September 2011 ICC Russia (ICC National Committee in the Russian Federation)   launched an initiative aimed at improving Russia’s image as a place for international arbitration – Survey "Russia as a Place for Arbitration". The survey was announced at various arbitration-related internet sites, arbitration groups in social networks and distributed via email and at ICC Russia conferences.

The purpose of the survey was to identify the participants' views and study factors that influence the choice of Russia as a place for international arbitration, to enable work towards creating better conditions for international arbitration in Russia and promoting Russia as a place for arbitration.

The results of the survey were analyzed and a summary drafted by the Task Force of the survey. The draft was subsequently approved by the ICC Russia Arbitration Commission at its regular meeting.

The final report on the results of the survey is now available, comprising the description of the findings (in English and Russian), with the diagrams attached as Annex I (in English and Russian), and the list of the survey participants who agreed to the disclosure of their participation attached as Annex II (in the language used by the participant of the survey).

The Survey Diagrams: Russia as a Place for Arbitration

The Conclusions: Russia as a Place for Arbitration

The List of Disclosable Participants

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