MOSCOW, 17 December 2020 – Voting results of the General Meeting of RAA Members
We are glad to inform you that the new governing bodies of the RAA were elected at the RAA’s General Meeting held on 10 December 2020.
1. The RAA’s Board now includes:
- Aitkulov Timur
- Alexandrov Stanimir
- Goldberg David
- Doudko Artem
- Dyakin Dmitry
- Zukova Galina
- Korelskiy Andrey
- Klochenko Lilia
- Nikiforov Ilya
- Rubins Noah
- Khvalei Vladimir
- Khrapoutski Alexandre
2. Roman Zykov was reelected as the Secretary General of the RAA.
3. Grzhib Margarita, Lysenko Dmitry and Titievskaya Marina were reelected as the members of the RAA’s Internal Audit Committee.
We congratulate our colleagues and look forward to working on the RAA projects. On behalf of all RAA members, we wish to thank the former Members of the Board for their invaluable contribution to the development of the RAA.
The General Meeting also approved the following matters of the agenda:
1. Annual financial statement of the RAA for 2019
2. Annual report of the RAA for 2019
3. Exclusion of some members of the RAA