Venture Arbitration

    On April 27 2016, the Arbitration Association and the Russian Venture Investment Association (RVAI) signed a cooperation agreement in Kazan. In addition to other areas of cooperation, the parties decided to cooperate in order to develop industry regulations for dispute Resolution of venture capital market participants.


    Purpose of the Working group:

    definition of the procedure for settlement of disputes in the field of venture investments


    Composition of the Working group:

    1.     Alexey Kuzmishin

    2.     Evgeniya Yusupov

    3.     Alexey Yadykin

    4.     Elina Akhmetzyanova

    5.     Natalie Lactating

    6.     Svetlana Afanasieva

    7.     Alexander Galitsky

    8.     Vladimir Tezov

    9.     Alexey Gostomelsky

    10. Vladimir Gromkovsky

    11. Sergei Polyakov

    12. Alexey Solovyov

    13. Irina Monina

    14. Elena Goremykina