6 декабря 2021

Доступна запись Law Firm Management: 2021 Online Report to the Legal Profession.
- Opening remarks & Welcome speech (English)
- Global report on the status of the legal market (English)
- Future of the legal community (Русский)
- Reports on Pre-Conference Talks (Pecha Kucha):
-Changing compensation systems in law firms (Русский)
-Russia Lawyer’s Personal Brand in Social Media Networks (Русский)
-Russia Partners in law firms. Raising leaders (Русский)
-A fashionable utopia or unavoidable future: diversity and inclusion in law firms (English)
-Compliance in law firms – local standards, new trends and expectations of international clients (English)
-The Culture of Feedback (English)
-Legal Design: an Instrument for Efficient Communication (English)