RAA and Pericles launched their first joint certificate training programme on international arbitration

30 марта 2017

On 16 March RAA and Pericles launched their first joint certificate training programme on international commercial arbitration.

In all, the programme will consist of four modules spread over four weekends in March, April, May and June.

Representatives of major Russian companies and leading law firms (Lidings, Baker & McKenzie, Sirota & Partners, KK&P) are participating in this certificate training programme, as well as PhD candidates from Russia’s top universities.

The programme is made up of both theoretical and practical aspects. During each module participants, will attend a series of lectures and presentations, practice arguments and skills building exercises. The practical aspect is made up of a hypothetical dispute and pleadings that participants are required to complete. 

Lecturers include leading speacialist in arbitration both at the national and international level, including Vladimir Khvalei (Baker McKenzie), Andrey Panov (Norton Rose), Julia Popelysheva (Clifford Chance) and others. Lecturers in subsequent modules will include David Goldberg (White & Case, LCIA, RAA), Demetrius Floudas (Hughs Hall, University of Cambridge), Noah Rubins (Freshfields, RAA).

In June, participants of the training programme will present their positions on an arbitration process – a dispute between a Finnish company and a Russian bank.  

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