Cross-Examination in International Arbitration. Rome

02.04.2015 Cross-Examination in International Arbitration. Rome

This conference will bring together a group of some of the best known and experienced practitioners in the field of international arbitration, both advocates and arbitrators, to discuss, and then demonstrate, how to cross-examine witnesses in an international arbitration. The program will make it clear that not all international arbitrations are the same.

Guidelines, tactics, techniques, ideas and advice to be followed or at least considered in conducting Cross-Examination will be Discussed, Analyzed and Demonstrated, such as:

  • Fundamentals of Cross-Examination
  • Cross-examination before International Tribunals
  • An International Arbitrator’s View of the Effectiveness of Cross-Examination
  • Cross-Examination under Tight Time Limits
  • Cross-Examination before Civil Law Arbitrators
  • Preparing for Cross-Examination without Discovery
  • Witness Preparation and the Conduct of International Arbitrations
  • Written Witness Statements and Live Witnesses – When Paper comes to Life
  • When Civil Law and Common Law Procedure Meet
  • Learn How to Influence and Persuade Arbitrators – What Works, What Doesn’t
  • Leading Arbitrators from Civil Law Jurisdictions Offer Insight and Commentary on Cross Examination Techniques
  • And More!

For the newer entrant to international arbitration, the conference will be a source of learning, for the experienced, it will serve as a refresher of advocacy skills. Anyone who attends this conference will benefit in better understanding and appreciating the nuances and process of successful Cross Examination in International Arbitration. It will serve to make everyone attending a more effective cross-examiner, regardless of prior experience.


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