International Commercial Mediation Competition


The International Commercial Mediation Competition takes place in Paris as part of the Mediation Week organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

The Competition is designed to promote mediation as an efficient tool to settle disputes between business partners during their business activities in the global market. 

The event is attended by teams from law schools and schools of business (economics) from around the world (of up to four members), professional mediators and company representatives.

The Competition lasts for six days during which teams representing one of the parties to negotiations participate in mediation procedures based on moot cases. Parties are assisted by a professional mediator. Each team must demonstrate their negotiating skills and efficient engagement of a mediator. 

In 2017, the 12th Competition will be held on February 3 - 8.

Useful links:

Official site of the International Commercial Mediation Competition

The rules of the International Commercial Mediation Competition

The Competition’s language is English.

Results: 2015

For more information about the International Commercial Mediation Competition please visit website.

Comment from Yulia Turchenkova, participant in 2015 (All-Russia Academy of Foreign Trade under the Russian Ministry of Economic Development)

If you believe that truth is born of arguments, don’t put this competition on your calendar.

But if you are willing to change your views on how to achieve resolution of a commercial dispute amicably, efficiently and beneficially for the both parties, the International Commercial Mediation Competition is the best place to appreciate this idea.

The event where you are about to meet interesting and positively minded people and communicate in a friendly environment, the Competition will blow your mind by the number of professionals in the area of mediation. Each mediator has his or her own approach but they are nonetheless ready to share their skills which was happening from round to round and over a cup of coffee during breaks. It was also great pleasure for me to meet other participants, it was a really big international group, an enormous experience of intercultural interaction!

This Competition is a place where one wants to be and enjoys staying; my team and I had the fondest memories.

Comment from Brendon Schrecengost, participant in 2015 (Houston University)

I am thrilled by the Competition! I am amazed by how much it had to offer and still it went quite smoothly: it was a lot of fun, I was happy to meet so many people; it was generally a great experience.

I was hoping we would show good results and represent our university properly but we did expect to advance so much and ultimately win the competition.

I’ve learnt so many nuances; I think I got a clearer view of the world of mediation, various cultures and people. Each person I met made a  small contribution to the overall picture where we all pursued the common cause, talked to each other and solved problems.    

Tarik Jouhari, participant in 2016 (Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense) 

ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition is the world's premier educational event in the field of commercial mediation. It helps students to get acquainted with mediation skills. Students improve their active listening and they learn how to show empathy. In addition, I would like to emphasise that the competition is one of the best opportunities for students to meet young ADR enthusiasts from all around the world and also to meet world's best ADR professionals.