"ArbitRAAtion Kitchen" bringing leading arbitration professionals from all over the world!
Guests share favorite recipes and talk about personal and professional life during live streaming.
We have already cooked with:
Beata Gessel-Kalinowska Vel Kalisz (Lewiatan)
Jacomijn van Haersolte-van Hof (LCIA)
Sue Hyun Lim and Prof. Hi-Taek Shin (KCAB)
Александр Коробейников (Baker McKenzie, Казахстан)
Александр Муранов (Муранов, Черняков и партнеры)
Диана Байзакова (TIAC, Узбекистан)
Софи Ткемаладзе (GIAC, Грузия)
Александр Храпуцкий (Lex Torre, Беларусь)
Gene Burd (FisherBroyles, США)
Also, at the end of the year we are planning to publish the "ArbitRAAtion Kitchen" is a unique collection of interviews and recipes shared by leading arbitration professionals from all over the world. MEDIA-KIT >>>