August 16, 2015
RAA25 is happy to inform you that Paris Very Young Arbitration Practitioners (PVYAP) announced the opening of registration for the second edition of the Young Arbitrators Match (YAM).
YAM, which was created in 2013, is the only arbitration competition that challenges participants to draft a reasoned award as though they were acting as arbitrators in a true arbitration.
The first edition of YAM attracted over 110 participants from 37 countries and was bestowed with the 2013 Global Arbitration Review Award for “Innovation of the Year.”
The case file of the second edition, which is based on the 22nd Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot problem, calls on participants to decide a dispute concerning the trading of coltan, including substantive questions of contract law under the Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) as well as questions of arbitration law, the joinder of non-signatories and the prior determination of an Emergency Arbitrator under the 2012 ICC Rules of Arbitration. The Vis case file, however, has been tailored specifically for YAM and includes submissions on damages drafted by quantum experts at Deloitte.
The seven-member jury will award a 10,000 Euros cash prize to the team with the best award. The participant or participants who draft the best quantum section will receive the Deloitte Award, a 3,000 Euros cash prize. All winners will also receive a collection of exclusive gifts.
Registration is now open on until 30 September 2015. Participants will have four months to submit their award by 30 January 2016. The closing ceremony will take place in Paris in June 2016.