"Recent trends in international arbitration - corporate disputes" seminar
April 19, 2016
In anticipation of the third annual RAA conference, which took place on 20th of April, 2016, RAA25 invited (which has already become a good tradition) the best speakers to make their presentations on the topic “Latest trends in international arbitration – corporate disputes”. The conference took place on 19th of April 2016 in National research university "Higher School of Economics" and became an object of huge interest of law students planning to pursue their careers in Litigation/Dispute Resolution practice.
First presentation was dedicated to the matter of arbitrability of corporate disputes. Senior legal adviser of Debevoise&Plimpton LLP Mr. Andrey Gorlenko described in details the major questions arising from enactment of Federal Act "On arbitration", which is new to Russian legal system. Long awaited Act will come into force starting 1st of September 2016 and will allow to investigate the corporate disputes within arbitration procedures. During the presentation of Mr. Gorlenko students had an opportunity to moot the subject of possible prospects for Russian Federation in terms of creation of new highly qualified instances (degrees of jurisdiction) as well as the subject of some shortages in corporate disputes regulations, which can lead to difficulties in law enforcements.
The second presentation was also dedicated to arbitration of corporate disputes. Ms. Antonida Netzer, project manager DIS told about the procedure of corporate disputes resolutions, practiced by our colleagues in Germany, whose vast legal experience was used during development of new Arbitration Act. During her presentation, Ms. Antonida Netzer mentioned major differences in legal settlement in arbitration of corporate disputes procedures in Germany and Russia, which, as experts tend to think, could obstruct arbitration popularity in Russia.
RAA25 event allowed students to receive latest practical information on possibility of alternative corporate disputes resolution methods. Thanks to everyone for interest in this conference.
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