We are happy to inform that Baker & McKenzie and Clifford Chance announced the opening of internship for law students.
Summer internship at Moscow office of Baker & McKenzie.
Baker & McKenzie invites students whose primary education is a legal one and who are in their:
Deadline for applying: March 31, 2016
Internship period: 6 weeks
Program start date: July 11, 2016
Application includes:
Please send your application by e-mail: moscow.resume@bakermckenzie.com.
Internship at Moscow office of Clifford Chance.
Clifford Chance invites final year law students to apply for an internship.
Deadline for applying: April 22, 2016
Internship period: 01.08.2016 – 31.07.2017
Application includes:
Please send your application by e-mail: cv.moscow@cliffordchance.com.